A fun invitation for Sept. 28

One of our community members passed on the following invitation–there may still be spaces left. Remember, if you “follow” livingstonbay.org, you’ll get notices of when new information is posted.

Sound Salmon Solutions is hosting a free Shellfish Dinner at the Floyd Norgaard Cultural Center in Stanwood, on Saturday, September 28th from 4-7pm! Expert speakers from Taylor Shellfish and the Pacific Shellfish Institute will speak about water quality, ocean acidification and the ecosystem services of shellfish. Students from Stanwood High School will be presenting posters on water quality. Delicious, locally sourced shellfish and produce will be prepared by Danny Pickering from the Stanwood Grill. There will be prizes from Stanwood Cupcakes, Jersey Mikes Subs, the Stanwood Grill, Ivar’s Restaurants, Misty Mountain Farm, Black Label Deserts and more! We only have enough room for 100 people so please RSVP online by clicking on the link below. We look forward to seeing you there!

Link: https://soundsalmonsolutions.secure.force.com/events/CnP_PaaS_EVT__EventRegistration_1?event_id=a0wd0000001t9LE&pagename=Page1_Opening_Page