Board Meeting Minutes 8/26/18

Thank you to those that attended the LBCA Board meeting in August.  The minutes from the meeting are attached below.

LBCA Minutes 8 26 18

We have the LBCA annual meeting coming on October 7th.  Currently, there is a vacant spot on the Board.  Please see the message regarding these topics from LBCA President John Gablehouse below as sent out in email.

Dear Livingston Bay Members:

Notice of Open Board Position. On August 23, 2018, Eric Moron resigned from the Livingston Bay Association Board to pursue a new business venture that is demanding travel and extended periods of personal time and energy.

His ideas and dedication to the community will be missed; however, he has graciously agreed to be available to provide his vast expertise and knowledge regarding the water and drainage systems affecting this Community. I personally thank Eric for serving on the Board and his efforts to improve and enhance the living conditions within the Livingston Bay Community.

The Board of Directors now has the task of appointing a new Community Member to serve the remaining 12 months of Eric ’s assigned term. Community Members who have an interest in serving the community and participating in the management of Livingston Bay Association should submit their name to any Board member by November 1, 2018, for consideration.

We are also looking at relining the main water storage tank sometime during the first part of October. This relining process will take 5-7 days and will require restrictions on water use during this time. Once the exact date has been confirmed, you will be notified by King Water by mail and by the Board electronically. I thank you for your patience and cooperation in advance of this event. I also apologize for any inconvenience, but this repair will correct years of needless leaks in the main structure and will provide many more trouble-free years of use for Livingston Bay Community.

I also want to remind everyone of the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 7, 2018. I encourage all to attend and get updated on the various things that involve or will require action by the Community to include water system improvements, repairs, culvert replacement by Island County Fish and Game, proposed By-law changes, Boren Lawsuit and settlement, drainage ditch responsibilities, and encroachment policies.

We are also looking for a few volunteers to install and paint a couple of downspouts at the pump house and to repaint the security fence that surrounds the emergency generator. If you have an interest to volunteer a few hours of your time, please contact Mike Yonker or any Board member.

Again, I encourage each Community Member to mark their calendar and attend the Annual Meeting, to get the latest information regarding the Livingston Bay Community, meet new Community Members, and enjoy some refreshments.

Thank you,
John Gablehouse