Community Potluck Picnic, August 3, 3-5pm

Callie and Kevin at 743 Fox Trot Way have generously offered to hold this year’s community picnic at their place. Tables and chairs will be provided, but extras are always welcome.

Guests are encouraged to bring a salad, appetizer, or dessert.

Please RSVP to Let us know if you’re coming, if you can volunteer for set-up or clean-up, or if you can bring a pop-up sunshade.

Changes to the Revised Code of Washington

Recently, the LBCA board sent out a notice regarding electronic notification. This was in response to a change in Washington state law. Here is the link to the relevant statute. This information can also be be found in the documents section of the website, along with the form to indicate your notification preference.

RCW 64.38.035 Electronic notification