Emergency Water System Flush Today

System Flushing Notice

On Thursday October 20, 2022 the water distribution lines will be flushed. The community is requested to not use any water during the day of flushing from 9 am to 1 pm because the flushing may stir up sediment in the water and this sediment could be drawn into your domestic plumbing. 

If you are concerned about water usage during the day, please fill containers or bathtubs so that you will have sufficient water available during this time. 

Once the flushing has been completed there will probably be some sediment in the lines – before using any water in your home, turn on an outside faucet and allow it to run for several minutes or until the water clears up.

Thank you for your forbearance during this time.  Our goal is to provide you with water of the best possible quality at all times, we are sorry for any inconvenience that this flushing may cause.  If you have any questions, please call us at the above number.


King Water Company

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